Post by romero on Apr 14, 2009 17:25:29 GMT 1
To enaèenje fašizma, nacizma in komunizma je propaganda modernega zahodnega demokratiènega "svobodnega" èloveka, da odpiše "totalitarizem". Prièakujem kdaj boš ugotovil, da mešaš jabolka in hruške, torej ideologije z politiènimi in gospodarskimi sistemi in režimi Se strinjam da je to mešanje jabolk in paradajzov. Vsekakor mi ni jasno, zakaj bi bilo treba obsojati komunistično ideologijo, medtem ko je to pri nacistični in krščanski popolnoma jasno. (pričakujem frontalni napad...) Sicer pa ima izvajanje alcazarja veliko soli: Res! In kako zanimivo blizu je ta zahodni "svobodni" človek Nietzchejevemu idealu nadčloveka...
Post by alcazar on Apr 14, 2009 17:51:03 GMT 1
Prièakujem kdaj boš ugotovil, da mešaš jabolka in hruške, torej ideologije z politiènimi in gospodarskimi sistemi in režimi Aha, ali to ali pa moraš preprosto samo še enkrat prebrati moj prispevek, ker ravno tega nisem naredil. Saj bo...
Post by alcazar on Apr 14, 2009 18:05:59 GMT 1
Se strinjam da je to mešanje jabolk in paradajzov. Vsekakor mi ni jasno, zakaj bi bilo treba obsojati komunistično ideologijo, Verjetno je vse skupaj povezano z gnilobo le-te ideologije. Hitlerjanski nacional socializem vsekakor, èeprav veèina ljudi, ki ga obsoja, dejansko ne pozna dobro dejanskih izvorov te ideologije, veèina svoje mnenje paè utemeljuje na zloèinih nacistiène Nemèije. Ideološko gledano ima doloèene podobnosti s komunizmom, ki veèkrat ostanejo prezrte. Tako kot tudi v praksi seveda. "kršèanska ideologija" pa ni vredna komentarja, kaj šele "frontalnega napada".
Post by alcazar on Apr 14, 2009 18:10:55 GMT 1
Sicer pa ima izvajanje alcazarja veliko soli: Enako glede tvojega prispevka glede zahodne demokracije, sicer pa nikoli nisem tajil, da glede doloèenih stvari delim podobne poglede s komunisti.
Post by krjavelj on Apr 14, 2009 18:47:47 GMT 1
Prièakujem kdaj boš ugotovil, da mešaš jabolka in hruške, torej ideologije z politiènimi in gospodarskimi sistemi in režimi Aha, ali to ali pa moraš preprosto samo še enkrat prebrati moj prispevek, ker ravno tega nisem naredil. Saj bo... Niè ne bo, tule obravnavamo zgodbo o Stalinizmu v Sovjetski zvezi.
Post by romero on Apr 14, 2009 19:33:42 GMT 1
"kršèanska ideologija" pa ni vredna komentarja, kaj šele "frontalnega napada". To je pa čisto res. Pravzaprav ni vredna ničesar.
Post by alcazar on Apr 14, 2009 20:00:55 GMT 1
hehe Ja, besedna zveza "kršèanska ideologija" je res bolj ali manj brez prave vrednosti, razen za razne vrste anti-kristjanov, ki se jim paè lepo sliši
Posts: 244
Post by jin on Apr 15, 2009 14:55:31 GMT 1
Sem gledal dokumentarec. Pri teh stvareh je vedno pametno pogledati, od kod kaj prihaja, in tukaj nek Balt ne obračunava samo s stalinizmom, ampak tudi z moderno Rusijo. Pri tem nemalo pretirava, kakšne stvari pa preprosto izpusti, da lažje pelje zgodbo. Edini pravi smisel teh oddaj je enačiti stalinizem s komunizmom Še več, meni se je zdeo, da avtor hoče prav bolano izenačiti komunizem z nacionalnim socializmom, tako malo po ovinkih pa še s celo mednarodno levico. Ne bi se čudil, če avtor ni kakšen zavedni desničar, ki verjame v konservativne vrednote in v vladavino prostega trga Saj ne, da veliko stvari iz dokumentarca ni res. Gotovo so. Skoraj nihče več ne zanika holodomora v Ukrajini ali zločinov Sovjetske Zveze ne le nad svojim prebivalstvom ali nad sosednjimi državami. Ampak vseeno, vse to sklicevanje na zločine drugih ima pogosto čisto praktične vzroke, čisto praktično zasledovanje ciljev, ki na prvi pogled niti niso jasni. To lahko dobro vidimo, ko Možinova televizija predvaja film o Vodetovi; ne zato, ker bi ji bilo mar nje, pač pa, ker se da na tak način trditi, da so komunisti uničevali tudi svoje in so bili zato nemoralne zveri in je zato popolnoma nenormalno, če zdaj kdo na volitvah odda svoj glas njihovim levičarskim sorodnikom.
Post by alcazar on Apr 18, 2009 21:35:32 GMT 1
Anti-Stalinism for Dummies by J. Slavyanski
In the past, I wrote an article on how to be an anti-Communist. Today we are going to focus on the proper techniques of handling Josef Stalin. See, just as Tupac Shakur has somehow released albums long after his death, so has Josef Stalin committed crimes. In fact, it's very likely that somewhere, somehow, Stalin is having people put to death, possibly in your very neighborhood. Any unsolved murders in your city lately? It could be him!
1. This is the most important technique: Everything Stalin ever did, or didn't do, was negative if not evil. Stalin never did anything right, and anything he did that could be seen as positive actually had some hidden evil motive. All your work should begin from this starting concept.
2. Everything that happened in the Soviet Union during the time of Stalin's leadership was the direct will of Stalin. If someone was shot- Stalin did it. He may have done it personally, possibly bursting through the window of a room full of innocent people, wielding matching gold-plated Tokarev TT-33s, diving sideways in slow-motion as he squeezed off round after round into the surprised occupants. If someone died in a mine accident in the Urals, that was also Stalin's fault. If someone was run down by a bus in Stalingrad, you had better believe that was a planned murder, the death warrant having been signed by Stalin.
3. Stalin's orders regarding Red Army POWs was cruel. His application of those same rules to his own son was also cruel. Of course had he not applied those rules, he would have been an evil hypocrite as well.
4. Stalin was evil because he directed the famine against Ukrainians. Of course there is a great deal of documentary evidence showing that he was not even aware of the extent of the famine until conditions were severe- but that was his fault too. He had to have been feigning ignorance about the genocide he ordered!
5. Stalin's "Dizzy with Success" was actually written to cover the fact that everything in the countryside was actually going precisely as he planned it! Remember, whenever Stalin openly criticized something, it was because he actually devised and ordered that to occur.
6. Stalin's cynical quotes on some subjects prove how cruel he was. George Orwell's cynical comments show how well he grasped "ugly truths".
7. Stalin was only supporting the Spanish Republic in order to foment a Communist revolution in that nation. However, Stalin is also evil for curtailing the "real" revolution there in favor of the Republican government. The weapons Stalin provided were actually "obsolete"; pay no attention to the fact that the small arms were often standard issue in the Red Army at the time, the I-16 fighters dominated the Nationalists' CR-32 Fiats and Heinkels, the SB-2 was an exceptional bomber at that time, and the T-26 dominated Nationalist armor until the last year or so of the war. Stalin was also evil because he charged the Spanish Republic for these things. Pay no attention to the fact that the Spanish Republic was desperately trying to buy weapons but was prevented from doing so by the Non-Intervention agreement.
8. Stalin helped start WWII. Never mind the fact that France and Britain had totally emboldened Hitler and Mussolini for years while the USSR was practically begging for some kind of anti-Fascist pact. Never mind the fact that the USSR only considered such a non-aggression pact until there were no viable options left.
9. All regimes after Stalin were in fact Stalinist. No matter the insane lengths they went to remove Stalin from their history, to denigrate him and his regime, even if they opposed him during his life time, they were Stalinist. Whenever a capitalist or layperson asks why such and such socialist country failed, one need only blame Stalin, and the argument will be over!
10. Stalin was in favor of a bureaucracy. Never mind all the articles he wrote encouraging people to struggle against it; remember everything Stalin criticizes, he was actually for! Stalin's will was omnipotent, despite the fact that there are plenty of contemporary source documents showing Stalin's proposals being ignored and opposed in the Central Committee throughout his entire term.
Follow these steps and you'll be on your way!
Post by romero on Apr 19, 2009 19:31:20 GMT 1
A imamo novega Tožidarja tukaj? Histerično utripajoče sličice so del izpopolnjenje taktike uničevanja tem, se mi zdi.
Post by prior on May 5, 2009 12:55:49 GMT 1
pravkar sem pogledal soviet story, že veliko stvari videnih, nič novega, jasno je, da sta nacional-socializem internal-socializem bolj ali manj brata dvojčka, s tem da je bil eden črne barve, drugi pa rdeče.
Na nek način se mi zdi sovjetski režim bolj brutalen od nemškega ali ameriškega - pobijal je lastno prebivalstvo. Večina mrtvih je bila v Sovjetski zvezi (Ukrajinci, manjšinski narodi, "problematični elementi."
Je kaj znanih podatkov o tem, koliko ljudi je umrlo v post-vojnem času, za pre-vojni čas vem, da jih je okvirno umrlo zaradi tega režima cirka 27 milijonov. -/+ v milijonih.